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Costly Forgiveness: The Bomber and Me
What Was the White Rose?
The Bell Ringer
The Church I Dreamed Of
Christianity’s Third Divorce
Finding the Balm in Gilead
Digging Deeper: Issue 2
Heaven in Hell’s Kitchen
Saint Francis, the Artist
Vera Mae Perkins
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Readers Respond: Autumn 2014
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Sandpile Parenting
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Composting as Prayer
We’re All Adopted
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Poem: Little Religion
Insights on Building Justice
Plugging the Hole in Our Gospel
When Love Demands Justice
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The art of the century is to hear
sun through mulberry,
small ball of white light centered
in torn leaves. We are not
biblical? Here in grounded
in verse as children while
the poor present alms to the poor,
we are freedom finding itself.
We have no answers.
Some of us missed the broadcast
to success. The neighborhood
fills with unseen deep-throated
robins. Remember
what it means to be alone
we say, disliking or loving
mad streets, where the broken
fearlessly ride buses.
We cannot fix the contest
outside, even if we
rubberneck our way
through accident and luck.

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Steven V. Perez
I am not a lover of poetry, or maybe that is becoming a past tense experience...thank you for words artfully forcing me to think from a fresh perspective.