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Family and Friends Issue 2
Sandpile Parenting
Birding in the Bush
Composting as Prayer
We’re All Adopted
The Economy of the Early Church
Poem: Little Religion
Insights on Building Justice
Plugging the Hole in Our Gospel
When Love Demands Justice
Marriage - Can We Have Justice Without It?
The Chief End of Marriage
Living Justly: One Disconnect at a Time
Poem: Rubbernecking
Costly Forgiveness: The Bomber and Me
What Was the White Rose?
The Bell Ringer
The Church I Dreamed Of
Christianity’s Third Divorce
Finding the Balm in Gilead
Digging Deeper: Issue 2
Heaven in Hell’s Kitchen
Saint Francis, the Artist
Vera Mae Perkins
Editors’ Picks Issue 2

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We welcome letters to the editor. Letters and web comments may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium. Letters should be sent with the writer’s name and address to
We are beyond thrilled, both with the content of the first issue (it is so right to start with the Sermon on the Mount) and with the revival of Plough’s magazine. We have been deeply nourished and encouraged over the years by spiritual insights from Plough – we still have every issue from twenty years ago – and I know that we and sojourners like us need the uniquely Christocentric voice that it represents. –Dan and Wendy Ziegler, Haiti
On Maureen Swinger’s “The Best of Classic Children’s Bibles,” Summer 2014: This enjoyable article encouraged me to keep reading Bible stories to my children and inspired me to share how my family made our own children’s Bible. A few years ago I received a Christmas card from my former teacher in Korea with artwork that fascinated me. It was a nativity scene depicting a cow pen, in which a huge ox stood behind a mother in traditional Korean costume who was holding the baby. Other women dressed similarly greeted the newborn, bringing food on a low table as is the custom in Korea.
I had long wondered how the Christian faith can be expressed in a genuinely Korean way. Much of what I used to hear and see in church seemed foreign to me, as it had been imported by missionaries. I remember wondering as a child why all the people in the Bible looked like “Western people.”
Because the Christmas card was so striking, I began to research the artist, Kim Ki-chang (1913–2001). During the Korean War (1950–1953) he fled to Busan, where he painted twenty-nine pictures of the life of Jesus, depicting Korean garments, houses, and mountains. These illustrations portray the difficulties of the war time and the artist’s longing for liberation of body and soul.
I collected these pictures into a homemade children’s Bible so my children can feel Kim Ki-chang’s longing for Jesus and remember their own heritage. We need to understand each other’s cultures in order to build peace and unity in faith. –Won Maroo, England
On Charles Moore’s “Was Bonhoeffer Willing to Kill?,” Summer 2014: How can you worry about whether Bonhoeffer was willing to kill Hitler when you haven’t decided yet what you are willing to do about killing babies?
During my time in Europe I visited Bergen-Belsen, where Anne Frank died. I observed the substantial farm buildings across the road. It was only sixteen years after the war, and I thought about the people there: Can you do nothing while thousands are dying across the road?
I used this observation in a pro se defense in Albany Police Court – I was charged with blocking an entrance to an abortion clinic. Our side loved it but the judge didn’t, and I got fourteen days. I can remember when anti-war activists made wonderful statements about the evils of nuclear war and got arrested at a missile base every year. We’re still waiting for the next nuclear bomb, but we’re at more than fifty million abortions and counting. –Jerry Lehmann, New York
We are reading the first Plough Quarterly with great interest and tasted it like warm bread with peanut butter. We like the presentation, organization, and art; the articles are serious without being too academic. We also like its intercultural and intergenerational character. While easy to read, it challenges our comfortable middle-class life – the Sermon on the Mount again pushes us to walk against the current. –Hugo and Norma Zorrilla, Pennsylvania

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