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A high school junior’s tribute to her mother, Margrit Zimmerman, who even while dying of cancer pointed her children and many others to Jesus.
First of all, she was my mom. An awesome cook, she could do it all – dumplings, coffee cakes, bagels, pies, and chicken, and she used every opportunity to pass on the tricks of her trade to my sister and me. One of the last things she did was to peel apples for her famous apple crisp, and even though she had to do it sitting and couldn’t eat more than a mouthful, she glowed over the finished dessert. She could be deadly serious if we were disobedient or disrespectful, but she also loved to have fun, and never turned down an opportunity to dress up or dance. One of my favorite childhood memories is her singing us to sleep with a “candle dance,” twirling around our dark bedroom with a lighted candle to the rhythm of a lullaby.
Even after she was diagnosed with cancer two years ago, she did her best to keep her role as Mom, despite worsening pain, nausea, and fatigue. And she was never too tired to hike, at Ashokan, Mohonk, or the Wallkill Rail Trail. Until ten days before her death she was still getting up at 5:00 a.m. to get breakfast on the table and to see us off to school, no matter how weak or tired she felt. Almost to the very end, she was more concerned about those around her than herself, offering guests a drink or a chair even when she could barely open her eyes.
Besides being a wonderful mother, she was an expert nurse: warm, caring, conscientious, and quiet. Her favorite assignment was caring for mothers and babies, but she loved working in a daycare center almost as much.
Most important, she was a lifelong disciple of Jesus. When she felt that something was wrong, she didn’t hesitate to speak her mind—especially to her siblings, her nephews, and her many cousins. If it was a matter of loyalty to Jesus or something else she felt strongly about, she wouldn’t back down, but she was also quick to laugh, forgive, and comfort. She continually pointed us kids to Jesus, reminding us that if we made him our best friend, “everything would work out.” Full of laughter and love, she made a lasting impression on everyone she met. No one who worked with her could be sullen or silent for long; her infectious laughter, her radiant smile, and positive attitude melted the stoniest hearts.
Her faith was childlike and simple, and it was all about actions, not words. Her Bible, given to her by her grandfather J. Heinrich Arnold in 1980, was well-worn and heavily underlined. Just nine days before she died, she told my dad that she was overwhelmed with a feeling of “perfect, perfect peace” – and that she hoped we felt the same.
My mom was diagnosed with cancer at age forty-three in the summer of 2013. By the time she was hospitalized, she had already endured months of pain and vomiting, but I never heard her complain or draw attention to herself. Even after a month at Albany Medical Center, she never lost her optimistic attitude. And when she finally stopped chemotherapy after trying four different regimens, she faced death bravely and quietly. More than once, she told my dad that she was not afraid, and encouraged us to “hold on.”
How could she face death with such peace and joy? I am certain it was only because of her simple confidence in God, her clear conscience, and her knowledge that she had indeed fought the fight and run the race.
On Thursday, March 12, at 6:50 p.m., my mom was called home to Jesus. All five of us children and my dad were at her side, and as terrifying as her struggle was, we knew that God was with her and with us, because she radiated peace. She leaves a tremendous hole in our family, but her life and death are now moving hearts all over the world. Somehow, God is using her suffering to point us to the suffering of Jesus and to win souls for his kingdom.
I will never forget how beautiful she looked at the wake, in a blue dress with a garland of yellow roses and a bouquet in her hands. She was truly a “wise virgin” who was ready for the Wedding Feast, and who went to meet her Maker with joy (Matt. 25:1-13). Her life, suffering, and death will shake, challenge, and inspire me for the rest of my life.

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test test
I thank you for that tribute to your mother. You made me cry. I am from Trinidad and Tobago in the West Indies. I lost my mother to cancer three years ago March 14th. I have been diagnosed with lymphoma. I have faith in Jesus but you just strengthened it further. God's blessing to you and your family.
I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of Margrit Arnold Zimmermann. I love this tribute and the Obituary in the Kingston paper that I read earlier. I only knew her as a little girl, so am amazed to see what a wonderful woman she grew up to be. I can't imagine the pain of her family at losing a mother, wife, sister, and daughter. So glad to see her daughter inspired by her faith. May all her children stay close to Jesus despite their pain. Wishing you all peace as you mourn her loss, with the confidence that she is now with Jesus.
Dan Rowell
A sincere and beautiful tribute to your mom, Jennifer.
Rob and Wendy Baker
Thank you, Jennifer, for the loving pen-portrait of your good and brave mother. We are Australian friends of the Loewenthals, Emanuel and Meg, and pray God for strength to you all at this impossibly painful time.
Jack and Leah Maendel
Thank you Jennifer. What brings this joy to parents is to know that their children are following in their footsteps and following Jesus. This was your mother's longing and is also your dad's longing so have courage and know that you are not alone. May God bless you and your family.
You have inspired me by sharing this beautiful testimony of your mothers love. What a perfect picture of what it is to know and love our Lord. Her faith was surely built on solid ground. May God hold you and your family in his loving hand all the days of your life.
Patrick Murray
I am deeply, deeply touched by this tribute. Having lost my mother to cancer when I was only 12, I related to this story so closely. Thank you, Jennifer, for sharing your mother's life with us. I will cherish it and hope one day to meet you and your family when my wife, Debbie, and I visit the Bruderhof community. Shalom, Patrick
dr joe
hopin you find little signs of jesus love everywhere you go every day and always
Lynda Kay
Just beautiful!! I will share with the ladies at my bible study group. xx
Joanie Stein
Thank you, Jennifer, for so bravely sharing about your Mom. I pray you are comforted and strengthened by the memory of her love! I feel blessed to have known her. I'll never forget her riding behind Zack on the quad :) You and all your family are in my thoughts and prayers with gratitude for the love you showed our family. I'm sure your Mom is smiling on you. Wishing you all a Blessed Easter.
Gladys Brayer
What a lovely tribute to your mother...and it's clear that she left you and your siblings with a wonder-filled legacy of love and faith. There can be no better gift bestowed upon you...amid the sense of loss, there remains a sense of peace. She is a blessing to your family...and an inspiration to others by her example. She is with God...and God is with you, Jennifer, as you face your tomorrows...her spirit and memory remains...God Bless you and your family, Dear girl!
Thank you for sharing. It is clear that the sadness of loss is combined here with deep understanding that the meaning of Margrit's life has not died with her body. May you find joy in following the same path she did.
Dear Jennifer, thank you for your brave report about your mothers life and death. I share your faith, that those who live in peace will find peace in death, but those that stay behind will have to face this struggel daily. I lost my daughter Hanna at age 30 after 3 years of fighting cancer. May you all find and keep peace.
Bonnie Smith
What an inspiring story. I was invited to Danthonia by Gerda for the Christmas carol singing in December 2014. It was then I heard about Margit Zimmerman and her struggles, we were asked to pray for her and others who were unwell. I now offer prayers for the Bruderhoff community world wide, your witness to God and Jesus and to the family of Margit Zimmerman. May you all find peace in our Lord. You friend Bonnie
Darryl Connolly
I think I may have met Margrit, I'm not sure, but it is touching to hear her commitment to Jesus. I hope I can learn something from her story. All the best.
Tony/Lee Ann Marmo
That was a beautiful tribute to your mom, Jennifer. You and your brothers and sisters are living tributes to the love your mom and your dad Reuben bestowed upon you. You will forever remember her kindness and all of the lessons she taught you and you will in turn, share them with your family, when that time comes. In that way you will honor her life and her legacy will live on. I was present at your moms funeral and she was in fact beautiful and I will never forget her voice that day. All of God's love shines through the Zimmerman family to help and serve others. Continued blessings to you all.
Owen Boller
Wonderful testimony. Your mothers sickness and death has impacted many lives including my own. Wishing you Gods peace in the days and months ahead.
Robin McGowan
I am so sorry to hear of Margrit's passing. I met her family at Parkview. Please send them my condolenses
Alice Head
A beautiful tribute to a most beautiful lady. I knew Margrit when we were all in nursing school together. She was always so positive and encouraging. She has a smile that could light up the darkest room. I will always remember her and how strong she was right up to the end of her life. Rest in peace Margrit.
Thank you for sharing about your beautiful mother...I am sorry for your loss and disappointed to have not known her..May our Dear Lord continue to abundantly bless your family! May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all always.....
nancy yambem
thank you so much for sharing your love for your mother with us. You have so much faith and I know that God's grace will get you through this. What a amazing woman your mother was, so well said!
Nicole Solomon
Thank you for sharing your mother's life with us all. She is a real example of motherhood no matter what she went through and we will all miss her very much. Her challenges to follow Jesus will stay with us too. Thank you.
Michael Gibbs
Zimmerman Family, God does not give us more than we can handle, Margrit's strength during her battle with cancer and you guys supporting her all the way proves this! Jennifer, that was a beautiful writing of your mother she was a wonderful and joyful person. I will say a prayer for you and your family. --Michael Gibbs
pamela Carle
I am so sorry for your loss. To lose a mom, a best friend ,a teacher etc., such as your mom is very difficult Thanks be to God for her life here on earth and for all the lives she's touched.
Most inspiring tributes I've ever read...lean on Jesus and he will guide you through dark times and always! Stay strong in the Lord!
Charlie Williams
A loving tribute from a loving daughter. My continued prayers for your family. Numbers 6:24-26 NKJV: “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”’
Marie Packer
What a lovely, lovely tribute, Jennifer. I agree that your Mom was beautiful both inside and out, and I am blessed to have known her. I was lucky too, to have had a wonderful mother. These women are a very special gift from God. We will always hold them close to our hearts.
Rebecca Piros
Thank you Jennifer!