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    drawing of waves in a storm

    Cast Your Cares on the Lord


    April 10, 2013
    • theresa

      I have a son on drugs. I need this today . thanks I am praying for his deliverance

    • john mccolgan

      needed this badly today..... thank you!

    • Nicole Solomon

      Thank you for really showing me where I also fail each day to do what I need to. I ask for the help, but then I don't completely trust that God has already answered it and really trust. I have been casting my cares to try to forget what is wrong with me and just focus on the moment, but then I don't stop and really trust that the answers are already there and that is not really what is important so much as to trust and serve each day--and that is where I keep failing and need to do better. Thank you for helping me see that.

    From The God Who Heals: Words of Hope for a Time of Sickness.

    Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. Psalm 55:22

    We who are ridden with care, fearful and troubled, are to “cast our cares on the Lord.” In other words, we are to fling them away, leave them to him, and let the Lord take care of them.

    I realize that this isn’t always easy to do – to leave everything to the Lord. We try and do this, but still remain burdened. Our cares still weigh us down. Somehow, we do not believe and trust enough, and do not know how to unburden ourselves. We pray but then act as though we had not prayed. We say, “Lord, Lord, take this burden upon yourself,” yet we do not give up worrying, and then doubt whether God has heard our plea. We are halfhearted children who do not yet hold on to the One we do not see as though we saw him.

    Imagine carrying a load so heavy that you can scarcely move under its weight. At last you find someone who takes it off you. How light and free you feel! That is how we should feel when we have surrendered something to God. God will help us – that is his trustworthy promise – but only if we like children give not only our cares but ourselves into his care. He is faithful and will not let us down. Even when he lets us go astray, even when he leads us on roundabout ways, even when darkness deepens around us, he takes care of us. He always leads us to the goal he has in mind for us.

    Sometimes peace simply eludes us for a long time. But God will not allow us to be shaken. Help will come, and it always comes in time. So do not be afraid. Remain faithful and stand true before God. In this way you will not despair or grow faint-hearted. He who perseveres will, in the end, see how much God’s delay was his gain.

    drawing of a boat in a storm
    Contributed By JohannChristophBlumhardt Johann Christoph Blumhardt

    The writings of Lutheran pastor Johann Christoph Blumhardt spring from his personal experiences of the active power of God in spiritual warfare, revival, and miraculous healing.

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