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Editors’ Picks Issue 16
Definition of a Good Farmer
The Naturalist’s Journal: Sightings
Gerrard Winstanley
Words that Got Martin Luther King Jr. Shot
Justice and the Old Testament Prophets
The Prophet We Need Now
Readers Respond: Issue 16
Family and Friends
Everyone Should Serve
A Child Named Problem
Were You There?
Dangerous Unselfishness
Redeeming the Soul of America
Powers and Principalities
The Casualties of War
For the Love of Neighbor
Two Friends, Two Prophets
Liberation at the Cross
Poem: Gaza Is Not Far Away
Staying Rooted and Unbalanced
Defending Purity

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Randy Kershner
One of my favorite poems, wonderfully interpreted visually. Thank you for sharing this - refreshing and inspiring!
Beautiful illustrations . Have always loved this poem from a wonderful poet. I love poetry,I love birches and I love Robert Frost. Thank you, Plough, for bringing this to our attention. Great poetry touches something deep within us. Keep up the soulful work.
Dorothy Campbell
Love this poem. It was mentioned in “A Prayer for Owen Meany” and I think that’s what inspired the name of the movie...Simon Birch. Absolutely love the illustrations...thank you!!
Vicki Shuck
Thank you for your beautiful interpretation of this poem, Julian, and thank you, Plough, for sharing it with us! It is such an affirmation of how the arts touch soul.
I do not remember this poem but I vividly remember lines from two of Frost's other poems: "The woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep" AND "Two roads forked in the wood, and I, took the one less traveled by" Do you know that I did NOT learn of Robert Frost in school or college but by means of the Inauguration of JFK as President (1961, when I was 21 years old) in which Frost was there reading his poetry!
Dan Grubbs
I’m of the opinion that Robert Frost’s verse is such that it dismays a deconstructionist’s approach to criticism. For Frost’s diction is so common that it would be hard pressed to find someone even in today’s English-speaking world who could not define the terms. That may be just a bit hyperbolic, but I think the point is made – basic terms deployed eloquently. However, one of the things that make Frost’s work find an audience still generations after he wrote them is his voice and style. Simple language assembled in artful ways. He had a gift and I believe it started with his way of intimately observing God’s creation through the lens of language.
Rick Barnes, Executive Director, New York State Catholic Conference
I have always found Plough Quarterly to be the highest quality publication in its sector, but you have pushed it to an even higher level. The Spring 2018 issue is a wonderful example of the creative thought you are putting into your publication. The multi-voiced exploration of the inspirational life and work of “America’s Prophet” was all any reader could have hoped for, but then you put icing on the cake: Julian Peters’ visual interpretation of Frost’s “Birches” provided a beautiful, whimsical, dream-like contrast to the deeper inspirational “I have a dream” MLK theme. Truly outstanding!
Margaret Kerry
One of my favorite poems. These illustration are just as I imagine it come to life.
Erin Kahn
This is so beautiful and moving! Agree with the previous comment.
Frank DiNatale
I love everything you do, Julian Peters!