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Stewarding Mercy
Learning to Love Goodness
Who Invented Thirst and Water?
Muhammad Ali
Are Humans Sacred?
Readers Respond Issue 10
Consistent Life Network
Death Knell for Just War
Remembering Daniel Berrigan
My Return to Iraq
Pursuing Happiness
The Gospel of Life
Building the Jesus Movement
Behind Prison Walls
Womb to Tomb
Insights on the Gospel of Life
A World Where Abortion Is Unthinkable
Gardening with Guns
A Good Death
Behold the Glory of Pigs
Polyface Logic
Nature Is Sacred Stuff
Editors’ Picks Issue 10

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I am afraid, Vivian,
that my words
will find themselves alone,
shivering cold on a park bench
as evening slows,
solemnly draped over the brownstones
and the parking meters
and over you, Vivian.
I am afraid that poetry
pays only the airy show:
condensed breath firstly warm,
thinning finely into evening’s hollow cold.
Going unnoticed to the passers-by,
does it go so to you, Vivian?
I have seen your little body
fraying in the wind of its cancer.
I had hoped,
I had tasked my words to mend you, but,
Vivian, I am afraid
that poetry arrives impotent,
or, it seems, not at all –
having lost itself in a metaphor,
on a park bench,
cold, somnolent
and unemployed.
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