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Shutdown Hospitality
Rejoicing in Apocalypse
By the Lights of Brush and Night
Learning to Stay
Apart Together
A Pain in the Navel: Letter from Bogotá
The Eternal Questions Illustrated
Fellow Feeling in a Crisis
Of Ducklings and Baby Fish
Service from Suffering
Patience in Lockdown
A Unique Time of God?
Mother Peregrine
This Too Shall Pass?
A Time for Regeneration
The Hard Work of Conversion
Tinned Fruit in Times of Famine
When the Church Doors Close
The Pilgrims’ Mark
Grateful for Each Breath
Care, Pray, Trust, Obey
Uncanny Homes
Schooling Hope
When the Sickness Is Over
The Home Is the School
Grieving Alone, Together
The Art of Dying
Scraps and Ruins
Clean House
Psalms for the Sick
The Book of Repose
Breaking the Fast in a Broken World
Sister of the Four
Remember When...?
The Rawness of the World
Precious Friend: What’s Your Victory Song?
The Abomination of Desolation

From Philip Larkin: Collected Poems (Faber & Faber, 1993). Used by permission of the publisher.
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great. thank you.
Michael King
Lovely. Thank you for posting. Your piece helps me see Larkin in a new light.