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Love in the Marketplace
The Elemental Strangeness of Foxes
Saints and Beasts
Astronomy According to Dante
The Book of the Creatures
Letters from Readers
Vulnerable Mission in Action
Community-Supported Agriculture in Austria’s Weinland
My Forest Education
Regenerative Agriculture
Into the Sussex Weald
The Abyss of Beauty
Let the Body Testify
Ernest Becker and Our Fear of Death
Singing God’s Glory with Keith Green
More Fish Than Sauce
Return to Idaho
The Glory of the Creatures
Poem: “The Path”
Poem: “The Berkshires”
The Secret Life of Birds
Why Children Need Nature
Made in the Image of God
The Lords of Nature
Editors’ Picks: The Opening of the American Mind
Editors’ Picks: Klara and the Sun
Writing in the Sand
City of Bees
Sister Dorothy Stang

We took our cover imagery from the Aberdeen Bestiary, a twelfth-century English illuminated manuscript. Its detailed written and visual descriptions celebrate the abundance and variety of God’s creations, from ant to elephant.

Another View
One afternoon in 2009, while working on a painting, Iris Scott ran out of clean brushes. In her words, “A few swipes of oil paint at the tips of my fingers and I was hooked.” Since that day she has created more than five hundred finger-paintings, drawing inspiration from nature, her fellow humans, and the beauty of the earth. She considers the direct connection to the canvas to be an important part of the creative process, as well as a connection to the land and its creatures. Scott is based in New Mexico.

Iris Scott, Lunar Eclipse, finger-painted oil on canvas, 2019 Used by permission
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