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CheckoutAt some point Covid-19 will be contained, but other challenges remain. The persistence of systemic racism and personal prejudice are exposed in full view. The societies of our world and the global economy are neither just nor sustainable.
How are we to love our neighbors, heal our hearts and witness to the grace and power of Jesus in times like this?
In this Kairos moment, we are called to reimagine and embody God’s purposes for our communities, our neighbors and the world. This workshop series calls practitioners of Christian community to humbly engage in reflection, repentance and response.
Through presentations by a speaker and panel as well as breakout groups, we hope to benefit from each other’s wisdom and best practices from multiple Christ-centered communities.
Plough is a co-sponsor of this online event series organized by the Nurturing Communities Network. Visit their website for more details.
Challenges & Opportunities in this Pandemic September 19 and 26 (Registration closes September 5)
What is God’s call for us in community and with our neighbors?
Our Response to Racism: In Us, Among Us, and Beyond October 10 and 17 (Registration closes September 26)
How do we engage the work of anti-racism?
Growing a Culture of Life-Giving Communication October 31 and November 7 (Registration closes October 17)
How can our listening and words lead to understanding, respect and unity within our communities and the larger world?
Register here for all conferences