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CheckoutThe annual Mid-Atlantic Congress – Forming Catholic Leaders for Faith-filled Service, is co-sponsored by the Association of Catholic Publishers and the Archdiocese of Baltimore. It’s a unique and dynamic conference created for today’s Catholic pastoral and administrative leaders.
This year’s congress is organized around the theme of “Blessed as Living Witnesses.” We are called to be witnesses to brokenness including all of the challenges that that entails. We look to the cloud of witnesses and communion of saints who have come before us for models of this.
We aim to bring the best of Catholic pastoral ministry, religious education/catechesis, prayer and worship, and theology to parish leadership through traditional and new forms of communication media; provide an opportunity for parish, school, and diocesan leaders to network with each other; and provide an opportunity for parish and school leaders to dialogue with the publishing community to discuss ministry resources and the best ways of communicating faith in today’s fast changing environment.