A fresh offering, different from the many anthologies that already house the older works. Pastoral tales mix with urban tales, old with the new, European with American. This is a book to read aloud and savor, pulling it out each year to re-read old favorites and perhaps read a new story or two.
Redeemed Reader
The tales collected in Easter Stories: Classic Tales for the Holy Season don’t always mention Jesus, nor even the usual tropes like sunlight and springtime. But each reveal a particular melody of the Easter story. The lovingly crafted volume, edited by Miriam LeBlanc and published by Plough, features original woodcuts by Lisa Toth for each tale…. Reading these Easter tales invites our own stories to be shaped, too, by the Story, for our own hearts to thaw and for our imaginations to be steeped in the waters of resurrection.
Tessa Carman, Mere Orthodoxy
The heart of Easter can be found in the pages of this collection of read-aloud tales. Step inside the works of well-known authors such as C.S. Lewis, Leo Tolstoy, Oscar Wilde, and others, as they explore the true meaning of the Easter season. Short and spiritual, these stories are perfect to be read again and again.
US Catholic
This thoughtfully curated collection is remarkable for its range and breadth. The stories come from all over the world and represent many genres, such as parables, animal fables, historical fiction, fairy tales and Christian fantasy. Most of the stories are from the first half of the 20th century, but the earliest is from an 1857 edition of Grimm’s Fairy Tales, and the most recent selections were written in 2015. Definitely read these stories at Easter, but keep the book close and pull it out whenever you and your family need a reminder of the great Easter themes of transformation, reconciliation and the triumph of life over death.
Clare Walker, National Catholic Register
Plough has done scholars, pastors, and laypersons all a great service by reprinting this classic. Not everyone will agree with every detail, but all will feel the compelling force of Trocmé’s cumulative case. This is a book worth pondering at length.
Craig L. Blomberg, Denver Seminary
In a time when the church is being seduced by the concentration of power and violence, this book gives us the ethic we need to remain faithful.
Glen Stassen, Fuller Theological Seminary
Trocmé has the prophetic gift of bypassing doctrinal fluff and cutting to the heart of Jesus’ message: a stark call for repentance, love, and socio-economic change. Read him with caution: this book may change your life.
Donald Kraybill, author, The Upside-Down Kingdom
One of the most important writings on nonviolence ever penned. Trocmé not only laid out his principles with astonishing clarity, but he lived them out at great risk. I can think of no better place to begin the study of this timely subject.
Walter Wink, author, Jesus and Nonviolence
This book – and especially this newly expanded edition – deserves to be more widely known. Trocmé’s focus saves any account of salvation from pietistic distortion…His comparison of Gandhi and Jesus is also extremely important.
Stanley Hauerwas, Duke Divinity School