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    BearingWitness in Telugu

    Bearing Witness in Telugu

    Stories of Martyrdom and Costly Discipleship

    Timothy J. Keiderling (Editors); Foreword by John D. Roth and Elizabeth Miller

    4.14 Stars on Goodreads Read Reviews

    Stories of Christian martyrs from around the world and through the ages to inspire and challenge the next generation of believers.

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    About The Book

    What does it cost to follow Jesus? For these men and women, the answer was clear. They were ready to give witness to Christ in the face of intense persecution, even if it cost them their lives. From the stoning of Stephen to Nigerian Christians persecuted by Boko Haram today, these stories from around the world and through the ages will inspire greater faithfulness to the way of Jesus, reminding us what costly discipleship looks like in any age.

    Since the birth of Christianity, the church has commemorated those who suffered for their faith in Christ. In the Anabaptist tradition especially, stories of the boldness and steadfastness of early Christian and Reformation-era martyrs have been handed down from one generation to the next through books such as Thieleman van Braght’s Martyrs Mirror (1660). Yet the stories of more recent Christian witnesses are often unknown.

    This book is part of the Bearing Witness Stories Project, a collaborative story-gathering project involving Anabaptist believers from many different traditions and locations.

    About the authors: Charles E. Moore has compiled and edited several acclaimed books, including Provocations: Spiritual Writings of Kierkegaard, and Everyone Belongs to God: Discovering the Hidden Christ. Timothy Keiderling is a researcher for the Bearing Witness Stories Project.

    For print copies of this book in Telugu, please contact Christian Education Council of India.


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