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    Classics of the Radical Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation and the publication of the Bible in the vernacular gave rise to a movement in sixteenth-century Europe calling for a radical return to Christianity’s earliest roots, including nonviolence, community, and freedom of conscience. The writings of these early Anabaptists, as they became known for their belief in voluntary adult baptism, laid the groundwork for today’s freedom of religion and the separation of church and state, and continue to inspire and challenge modern Christians of all traditions.

    The goal of the Classics of the Radical Reformation (CRR) series has been to offer in the English language, scholarly and critical editions of the primary works of these pioneers of the Radical Reformation. Though scholarly, CRR editions are also intended for the wider audience of those interested in Anabaptist and free church writers of the sixteenth century. The translations are intended to be true and polished, yet not excessively literal or wooden.
